How do I keep fine jewelry clean and sparkly?

How do I keep fine jewelry clean and sparkly?

It’s so important to properly clean and care for your fine jewelry! This helps maintain your special pieces for years to come. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Clean on a Regular Basis - Use a small dish with warm water and gentle cleaning solution specifically made for jewelry. Fill with warm water and soak your jewels. Using a soft bristle brush, gently brush away any dirt or lotions that have become trapped. If you have any loose stones, be careful! You don’t want to throw away the diamonds with the dishwater! Rinse and pat dry with a soft cloth. You can purchase our specially made jewelry cleaner HERE.
  2. Ultrasonic Cleaners - You can find ultrasonic cleaners suitable for home use on website like Amazon. These can be great for a deep clean but often a few rounds in a small dish with a light bruising can get the same result. Ultrasonic cleaners can shake loose stones which then requires a trip to see me for repairs! If using an ultrasonic cleaner at home, be sure to check the jewelry thoroughly for any missing stones and retrieve any stones at the bottom of the water in the machine. 
  3. Always Avoid Harsh Chemicals - Remember, certain stones need special care and you should never clean your jewelry with household cleaning products. Even swimming in the pool can cause irreversible damage to soft gemstones and metals. If you have a question about a certain piece of jewelry, please reach out to me before taking the risk of cleaning with the wrong chemical solution. 
  4. Inspector Gadget - Always take a close look at your jewelry after cleaning to look for loose or missing stones, bent or broken prongs or any other signs of wear and tear. All of these issues can easily be repaired. 
  5. A note about Pearls and Opals - These are super soft and delicate materials. The best way to clean is with a soft, damp cloth and always keep away from chemicals and heat. 
  6. Storing your Jewelry - Ideally, store each piece in a separate bag or compartment in a jewelry box. Avoid storing in excess heat or direct sunlight to prevent certain gemstone colors from fading. 
  7. And Finally….Be Kind, Be Gentle - Remember, fine jewelry is delicate. Avoid actives that can damage your jewelry including gardening, working out, washing dishes among others! Always remove your jewelry before performing these activities. 

Taking good care of your jewelry can prolong its use and help maintain its value. When in doubt, reach out! I’m always available for your jewelry needs.